Friday, December 28, 2012

American Girl Outfit

This outfit for an American Girl Doll started back in November. My husband and I escaped the children for the weekend in Chicago. Since we were there right before Thanksgiving, I thought this would be a great time to get the Christmas shopping started. We bought my 9 year old a pair of cowboy boots at the American Girl Store.

When we returned home, I thought the doll needed something to wear with her boots. I had already made some PJ pants for her doll from this same pattern, so just switched the fabric with some scrap denim I had laying around in a drawer. So the pants were born.

Well, you know the doll would need to have a shirt to wear with her pants, so I decided to make the shirt as well. I dug through my scraps, which is so much fun, to find something to make a shirt out of. My 9 year old's favorite color is purple, so I decided to make it purple. The only trouble I had with this shirt was that the casing for the elastic in the neckline was too narrow to allow the smallest safety pin to pass through. This meant that I had to rip out the stitches at the seams and then sew them back together after I pushed the elastic through.

After the shirt and the jeans, I thought what the heck, why not make the jacket too? I mean the jean was just a scrap, what did I have to lose? This jacket came out so well that my husband thought I might not let my daughter have it until she was 30. There were a few things that I was unsure about while making, but after repeatedly reading the directions figured out.

This project was easier than expected, but I don't think I will make another one for a few years.

Happy Sewing,



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